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Who We Are

The Hamptons American Legion Post 35 serves the communities of Hampton, Hampton Falls, and North Hampton, New Hampshire. We are part of The American Legion, the nation's largest and most effective veterans organization devoted to serving veterans, community, and country. We served honorably as members of the armed forces, and along the way learned a few things about ourselves and about being a part of something bigger. As veterans, our life of service has never ceased. We strive to help our fellow veterans, our community and our nation, while enjoying the camaraderie unique among former service members.

Find out how joining the American Legion and The Hamptons Post 35 helps veterans and others while enriching your life. For those who want to make a difference in our community, the American Legion is a good place to start. Continue the service!



We are pioneers who never forget.
On September 11, 2006, we were the first In the nation to unveil a Global War on Terrorism monument listing the names of all the service members from the state of New Hampshire who have lost their lives in this conflict since 2001. Post 35 rededicates this monument each year on September 11, and sadly, adds the names of our newly fallen heroes.

We do not simply talk about remembering our fallen heroes. We transform our words into action. Although a separate organization, Post 35 members administer and support the Run For The Fallen, NH. This tribute run/walk held the Sunday after 9/11 each year, honors and remembers each fallen hero from the current conflicts. Along the course, Gold Star family members stand by a poster sized picture of their loved one as the participants are given the opportunity to meet the family, and thank them for their hero’s sacrifice.
Post 35 also honors our living veterans. Another one of our signature events is the Wounded Warrior “Hit the Beach” event, held the last Friday in August at North Beach in Hampton. This event features our Post and the local surf community, under the leadership of Post 35 Past Commander Ralph Fatello, taking our wounded warriors and their families into the ocean for a day and introducing them to surfing. All proceeds are donated to the Wounded Warrior Foundation.



Commander's Corner

Fellow Legionnaires!

Commander’s Corner - Spring, 2022

Post 35 is returning to normal and getting ready to sponsor our local annual events as we put the Covid pandemic behind us.  Although many of our events were cancelled or curtailed during the pandemic, the officers of the Post were able to ensure both Memorial Day and Veterans Day were properly observed with private ceremonies.

Although the Post had an active Auxiliary unit in the past, it had shut down due to the lack of membership. With the help of Suzanne Tetreault, we were able to once again stand up American Legion Auxiliary Unit 35! Membership is open to the male and female spouses, grandmothers, mothers, sisters, and direct and adopted female descendants of members of The American Legion.

This past summer, when Covid began to subside, Ralph Fatello and the Post held our 13th annual Hit the Beach event, which was great success and another beautiful day on the water.

In December, we conducted the opening ceremony for the Hampton Wreaths Across America event in the High Street Cemetery and this year the we helped support Post 35 member Brian Chevalier as he lead the first annual Wreaths Across America event in North Hampton.

To help kick off the holiday season, the Post collected toys to support the Seacoast Firefighters toy Drive, and the Post color guard was asked to lead the annual Experience Hampton Christmas Parade, which was quite the honor. It is gratifying to know that the residents of the Seacoast respect and appreciate our veterans!  

This year, we will resume our public Memorial Day ceremonies and parades after a two year absence. Hopefully the weather will cooperate!

The Post membership has voted to continue doing the concessions at the New England Dragway swap meets, to be held on the last Sunday of the month, starting in April. The concessions are a great way to get the Post out in the public eye, enjoy the camaraderie of fellow veterans, as well as function as a valuable fundraiser for the Post. Needless to say, we will be looking for volunteers!

We are also working with State Representative Mike Edgar to support HB 1456 through the legislative process. The bill would change the criteria  for the Hampton Beach  “Lady of the Sea” Marine Memorial to include those lost at sea in Desert Storm and the Global War on Terrorism. This would allow Hampton native, Marine Corporal Jonathan Currier, to be included on the Memorial.

Last September, we were able to successfully support the Run for the Fallen NH, which moved to a new venue last year. The Run was held in Waterville Valley, and it was a tremendous success. It is a longer trip for us to get up there, but it is more centrally located for the Gold Star families, and is an absolutely beautiful area to hold the Run!

Finally, the Post is hosting Manchester Veterans Administration representatives on Saturday, April 16, from 10 am - 1 pm at the Post. It is an opportunity to talk one on one with the reps, learn about your VA benefits and is a wonderful opportunity to sign up for VA benefits if you haven’t done so. You served and earned those benefits, take advantage of them!

I hope to see many of you at our upcoming events, and be sure and tell other eligible veterans about our Post!

Berk Bennett



Post 35 Legion Hall

Post 35 is nestled in the quiet, seacoast town of Hampton, New Hampshire and located at 69 High Street. The building boasts two floors containing a main meeting and event hall as well as an event hall including a small stage on the second floor.


Parking is ample and the main seating area can accommodate up to 93 people. The hardwood floors and abundance of natural light make this venue a great place for friends and family to gather and celebrate.

Important! We are an alcohol free space and we require visitors to abstain from bringing or consuming alcohol on the premises. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.


© 2022 The Hamptons Post 35
69 High Street Hampton, NH 03842

(603) 929-4695

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